OpenRoads ConceptStation CONNECT Edition

Bridge Ramp

The Bridge Ramp tool connects a bridge and a road intersecting or nearly intersecting at an angle with a bridge ramp.

From the Place Tools, selecting Bridge Ramp will start the place bridge ramp tool.

The Bridge Ramp Placement tool settings will display:

Using Place Bridge Ramp

Before using this tool make sure your bridge and road (the ramp here) alignments are created. It is recommended to make sure your road horizontal alignment intersect the bridge (or nearly intersect). Also make sure that the vertical alignment connection PVI of the end point of the ramp is roughly at right elevation. If the elevation is too different the drop might be too large. In this case you could adjust the elevation of the ramp alignment using the profile view to smooth out the slope of the ramp itself and fix vertical issues.

First, select the bridge to connect to with a left click on the bridge.

Next, select the road to connect to the bridge by a left click on the road. This is usually the ramp alignment that has previously been created using the Place Road tool.

The tool will compute the ramp and provide you with a visual feedback of what it is about to create.

Drag along the ramp to define the length of the bridge ramp and click again to accept and complete.

The bridge ramp will be created.

Note: The ESC keyboard key will cancel the command at any time during the creation of the bridge ramp.